60 Minutes - The Bloom Box (February 21, 2010)

60 Minutes - The Bloom Box (February 21, 2010)

Economic Debt, Clean Energy, Over Population, Pollution, and Mankind's Future in Space

Economic Debt, Clean Energy, Over Population, Pollution, and Mankind's Future in Space

What sorts of things do online or Internet Think Tanks often discuss? Well, they discuss many of the serious issues of our time. If you go onto websites like the Rand Think Tank, Hudson Group, Pew Research, and others you'll find a literal laundry list of challenges they are working on, and you'll see they publish papers, do research, and offer suggestions too. Not long ago, I was discussing all this with an acquaintance who lived out there in California.

Economic Debt, Clean Energy, Over Population, Pollution, and Mankind's Future in Space

Economic Debt, Clean Energy, Over Population, Pollution, and Mankind's Future in Space

Economic Debt, Clean Energy, Over Population, Pollution, and Mankind's Future in Space

Economic Debt, Clean Energy, Over Population, Pollution, and Mankind's Future in Space

Economic Debt, Clean Energy, Over Population, Pollution, and Mankind's Future in Space

Obviously, California has a serious economic issues, and some challenges with its debt, and on the verge of becoming yet, another Greek tragedy. I asked him what he thought needed to be fixed out in California. He stated; "California as a whole seems very progressive and I think we are world leaders in a lot of humanitarian, scientific & environmental areas." But he admitted they needed help with some of their environmental challenges and energy issues, which they are working on of course.

In many regards I'd agree that California is on the leading edge of clean technologies, just look at Bloom Power for instance, and so many other things we do, for instance out near Palm Desert, CA with all the wind turbines and wind farms in the desert there. But can California really claim its position on the progressive tech and science arena? Well, as you know, the Europeans claim to be more on the leading edge, for instance their super collider, Danish wind power, Scotland's ocean wave energy, Germany and solar, the EUs end-of-life auto recycling programs (ELV).

And the Japanese are really into environmental issues with their ultra clean water, Earthquake prediction technologies, robotics, and hybrid automobiles. Also in South East Asia, Singapore is an ultraclean city, in the Middle East the UAE hosts several carbon-neutral cities. The Canadians will claim what my friends claims they have out in California. Still, I agree with him, and do not necessarily wish CA to copy what they've done in all those other places, but these other nations have some smart things to consider, borrow, better, or adapt.

My aquaintence also suggests; "We must figure out how to support our population without degrading the environment." Indeed, there is always more work to do, but would you agree that we've done pretty well in CA considering, and better than most other states too? Then there are over population to consider states my acquaintance; "Globally, overpopulation is a definite problem, along with
deforestation and acidification of the oceans, and loss of clean freshwater."

Yes, this is very true and the ocean issues are huge, and the consequences quite frankly - scary! Freshwater supplies are stretched thin in many places, bad planning, failure to implement, and one study I recently read stated we as a species are 100 trillion dollars behind in freshwater infrastructure on the planet to serve the current human Earth population?> Ouch.

Indeed, I guess this shows exactly why we need to use our brains to solve the challenges of mankind. Our Think Tank is not a social-liberal progressive, left-leaning, politically correct Think Tank, but I am sure there are many such groups my acquaintance might join.

Economic Debt, Clean Energy, Over Population, Pollution, and Mankind's Future in Space

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